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Executive Board and Workgroups

OoLEN is organized around a rotating Executive Board (EB) with five members. Each of the members in the Executive Board is part of one or more workgroups responsible for specific areas of action. Below you can find the current members of the EB and each workgroup.

Executive Board

The Executive Board is the main body that organizes and ultimately decides on the actions of OoLEN. The EB is elected annually and aims at representing the views of everyone at OoLEN. Learn more in our Code of Conduct.

  • Alexandre Champagne-Ruel

  • Val Karavaeva

  • Klaus Paschek

  • Zhen Peng

  • Loraine Schwander

Outreach Team

The outreach workgroup aims to share OoLEN’s message(s) with the outside world. We are trying to reach ECRs all over the world and everyone interested in a non-biased view on origin of life research via social media, podcasts, videos etc. Furthermore, we’re building up a connection to media outlets to promote the work of ECRs and help our members to share their views and research with an interested public. Reach out to oolenoutreach (at) gmail (dot) com and on Twitter.

  • Silke Asche

  • Alexandre Champagne-Ruel

  • Ronja Hulst

Website, Email and Forum Team

OoLEN has members around the world. To communicate with each other and with the public, we use a combination of this website, a private forum and Twitter. The Website/Email workgroup enables that by handling the day to day operations for processing new member registrations, updating the website, and maintaining the private forum. Reach out to oolearlycareer (at) gmail (dot) com.

  • Klaus Paschek

  • Loraine Schwander

Virtual Meetings

At OoLEN we want to create a platform where ECR’s can meet, connect, exchange knowledge and brainstorm ideas. The virtual meeting workgroup organizes meetings every few months for all network members. These meetings can range from science showcases, career talks, invited diversity speakers as well tutorials and discussions rounds. They also provide technical support for other workgroups for virtual meetings if necessary. Reach out to oolearlycareer (at) gmail (dot) com.

  • Ronja Hulst

  • Amit Kahana

  • Val Karavaeva

  • Ryo Mizuuchi

  • Zhen Peng

  • Siddhant Sharma

Former Executive Board Members

  • Martina Preiner (2020-2021)

  • Andrey do Nascimento Vieira (2021-2022)

  • Cole Mathis (2020-2022)

  • Joana C. Xavier (2020-2023)

  • Sean Jordan (2022-2023)

  • Silke Asche (2020-2024)

Former Work Group Members

  • Stephanie Colón-Santos

  • Stewart Gault

  • Tony Jia

  • Sean F. Jordan

  • John Malloy

  • Omer Markovitch

  • Cole Mathis

  • Martina Preiner

  • Tania C. B. Santos

  • Andrey do Nascimento Vieira

  • Lena Vincent

  • Joana C. Xavier